Create your blog locally

  1. Install all prerequisites.

    1> Open terminal

    2> Before installing jekyll, we need to ensure the correct version of ruby . (Ruby version must be 2.5 or higher) .Check your Ruby version using ruby -v

    3> Check your Gems version using gem -v

  2. Install the jekyll and bundler gems.

    gem install jekyll bundler
  3. Create a new Jekyll site at ./myblog.

    jekyll new myblog  
  4. Change into your new directory.

    cd myblog  
  5. Build the site and make it available on a local server.

    bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Browse to http://localhost:4000

Edit your content

To quickly edit the following:

  • Title, description and other details in _config.yml

  • Content in file

  • Content in the blog post within _posts folder. You may also copy paste that file and edit its content to create your second blog post.

  • Each time you edit content and want to see how it looks, run jekyll serve and see the results on the local host

  • To exit from current running process Ctrl+C

Publish to your Github

  • If you have a Github account ,then create a new github repo.Otherwise you need to create a new github account firstly.
  • Go to VS Code to open the local blog folder, open terminal to initialise your git repo run
     git init
  • To create the branch gh-pages with the files (Github pages will use this branch for the deployment) , run
     git checkout -b gh-pages
  • To commit all the files, run
      git add .
      git commit -m "initial commit"
  • Push to Github
      #git remote add origin <git repo link>
      git remote add origin
      git push origin gh-pages
  • You can visit Before publish to Github ,make sure you updated the file _config.yml ,set the baseurl as your repo name for the blog.

    baseurl: “/myblog” # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog

  • Any update, just commit your changes and push to Github.

👉 Automated Deployment