Deploy Using ng deploy

Angular Cli Version should be 8+.

The simplest way to deploy to Github Pages is to take advantage of the ng deploy Angular CLI command that automates the deployment process. When you runng deploy, it executes a builder that performs the deployment for you. The builder that we’ll use is angular-cli-ghpages. ng deploy builds your project and deploys the resultant output to a gh-pages branch on your remote Github repository.

  1. To begin, add the angular-cli-ghpages builder.
    ng add angular-cli-ghpages
  2. Deploy your project. If you’re deploying the project to a Github project page you’ll need to set the baseHref property as the repository name. The baseHref will be used for all relative URLs on your site. You could specify the baseHref as part of the project architect deploy options in the angular.json file. Or just pass it as the--base-href flag to the ng deploy command. If you’re deploying the project to a Github user page, you do not need to set this option.
     ng deploy --base-href=/<repository-name>/

    GitHub will automatically enable Pages when you push a gh-pages branch. There is no need to enable Pages from the repository settings.

The Other Method

Angular Cli Version is Angular 7

Set gh-pages to be the brach to build from in repo settings:

  git checkout -b gh-pages
  git push origin gh-pages
  npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages
  ng build --prod --base-href https://[username][repo]/
  ngh --dir=dist/[project-name]

It is only necessary to set the the–base-href flag once, next time you build the project you can simply run:

  ng build --prod

In order to compile images correctly use path as following: ‘./assets/images/image.png’