Angular CLI

Lists available commands and their short descriptions. ng -h

Installing the CLI

npm install -g @angular/cli

ng -v check the version

you can create a new Angular project with the following CLI command:

ng new my-angular-app

Serve an Application

With the CLI we can also easily serve our application using a local web-server.

You can then cd into your new project and run your application:

cd my-angular-app

ng serve <project> [options]
ng s <project> [options]

ng serve or ng serve -o (open browser)


ng generate --help shorten is ng g -h


ng generate component my-component
shorten as below
ng g c my-component// Creates MyComponent
By default all generated files go in into src\app\my-component, a folder called my-component is created for us.

The other Scaffolds

Features Command Shorten
directive ng g directive my-new-directive ng g d my-new-directive
pipe ng g pipe my-new-pipe ng g p my-new-pipe
service ng g service my-new-service ng g s my-new-service
class ng g class my-new-class ng g cl my-new-class
interface ng g interface my-new-interface ng g i my-new-interface
enum ng g enum my-new-enum ng g e my-new-enum
module ng g module my-module ng g m my-module

By default all generated files go in into src\app, no folder is created.


When creating a new project, simply add the – routing flag and the CLI will generate a routing module for your project in src/app/app-routing.module.ts:

ng new my-project --routing

Later on, when you’re developing modules for your application, you can also generate separate routing modules, which is useful when you want to avoid cluttering the root app routing module. Once again, you use the same – routing flag when generating modules.

ng generate module my-module --routing

Styling preprocessors

If you’d like to use a different preprocessor, simply replace scss with less or styl.

ng new my-project --style=scss

Dry runs

ng g c my-test-component --dry-run

If you’re a fan of aliases you can also use the alias for this flag, -d.

ng g c my-test-component -d

Skip tests

When generating schematics using the generate command, you can do this using the --skipTests true flag:

new version cli change to --skipTests true
CAN'T USE `--spec=false` ANYMORE

ng g c my-testless-component --spec=false


ng g c my-testless-component --skipTests true

You can also do this when creating your application with the new command:

ng new my-testless-application --skip-tests

ng new my-testless-application -S

Some more options

--flat: boolean, default false, generate component files in src/app instead of src/app/site-header
--inline-template: boolean, default false, use an inline template instead of a separate HTML file
--inline-style: boolean, default false, use inline styles instead of a separate CSS file


ng generate module myModule --routing --dry-run

ng g c mycomponent --flat --skipTests true --dry-run

ng g c mycomponent --flat --skipTests true

ng g s shared/open-id-connect --skipTests true --dry-run 

ng g c foldername/mycomponent --flat --skipTests true --inline-style --inline-template --dry-run


Simply add your search term using the doc command and the CLI will automatically open a new browser window with your search term specified in the documentation.

ng doc animations


ng build

--prod=true|false Shorthand for “–configuration=production”. When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. By default, the production target is set up in the workspace configuration such that all builds make use of bundling, limited tree-shaking, and also limited dead code elimination.

Running with--prod changes a few things:

  1. The bundles now have random strings appended to them to enable cache busting.This ensures that a browser doesn’t try to load up previously cached versions of the files and instead load the new ones from the server.
  2. The file sizes are much smaller. The files have been processed through a minifier and uglifier.
  3. There is a much small .gz file, this is a compressed version of the equivalent JavaScript file.Browsers will automatically try to download the .gz version of files if they are present.


ng test


ng update

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

ng update --all //Whether to update all packages in package.json.